Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Relevance of Vitamins to the Body's Health (Part II)

In a follow-up study, Dr. Zemel used obese subjects whose caloric intake was restricted equally—but this time half of the group added 1200 milligrams of calcium to their daily diet.

 The group with the calcium-enriched diet lost twice as much—10.9% of body fats versus 5.4%—as the group without the additional calcium intake.

 Dr. Zemel also found that calcium actually helps the body rid itself of fat cells through a process called apoptosis.

This can greatly impact one’s ability to keep weight off, says Dr. Zemel. “If those fat cells are still there waiting to store excess energy, it’s easy to gain the weight back again. If you get rid of the fat cells themselves, it’s much easier to keep the weight off.”

While nutrient-rich foods may be the best source for critical vitamins and minerals, most diets fall significantly short of the
recommended daily allowances.

Supplements help to fill in the holes. As Dr. Ames says, “Take a supplement … There is plenty of evidence that it’s good insurance.”

GNLD understands the nutritional gap created by most Western diets. Our quality products, including Super-B, Threshold Control, BComplex , Calcium, Chelated and Cal-Mag, can bridge the nutritional gaps in your diet while helping you to maintain a healthy body weight.

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